DAVID® Models
Comptronic Devices Limited has been manufacturing these devices since 1984 with continual improvement. All models come with high quality earphones and an eyeset. For all but the PAL, you can choose between having internal rechargeable batteries or just using the provided adapter. The PAL operates from a 9v battery, so if you want it to be rechargeable, you can purchase a rechargeable 9v battery. The Paradise XL is the top of the line and has the most features, including the ability to write custom sessions using provided XLedit software and download the custom sessions into the XL. The XL+ has cranial electrical stimulation (CES) built-in as an added feature. The OASIS CES device can be operated in conjunction with the other models. The XL has a numeric display to show the number of the selected session and some of the program parameters. Special Sessions are programmed into all but the PAL. You must purchase an access code to use any Special Session. The PAL is the most recent model and includes 18 of the most useful pre-set sessions. It is a smaller unit and is easy to transport and to use. Features of the different models are listed in the following table:
*Lucas Science provides additional ADD sessions downloaded at purchase
or upon request. ____________________________________ DAVID® is a trademark of Comptronic Devices Limited |
Copyright 2003 Lucas Science |